Our oldest, Caitlin, went to her first prom Friday night. Only yesterday she could barely sit up on her own, and was trying to eat sand on the beach. She's grown into a very beautiful young lady...and we are both very proud of her.
6.06 - Started Homestudy 9.16.06 - Baby Izzie is born 9.28.06 - Referral 11.26.06-12.3.06 - Visit Trip #1 1.22.07 - Out of FC 2.14.07 - DNA Auth 2.16.07 - DNA Test 2.23.07 - Match 2.28.07 - Entered PGN w/o PA 3.1.07 - Logged in at Embassy 3.20.07 - KO from PGN 3.21.07-3.27.07 - Visit Trip #2 4.26.07 - PA (only 57 days, but who's counting) 5.8.07 - Resubmitted to PGN 7.6.07 - Out of PGN 7.23.07 - Head to Guatemala until Izzie comes home 10.3.07 - BC 10.4.07 - Passport 10.10.07 - Submitted for PINK 10.12.07 - 2nd DNA 10.17.07 - Samples to LabCorp 10.22.07 - Agency received results 10.22.07 - Results of 2nd DNA sent to Embassy 10.24.07 - Results delivered to Embassy 10.25.07 - We have PINK!!! 10.29.07 - Appointment with Embassy Doctor 11.02.07 - Appointment with Embassy 11.05.07 - Pick up visa 11.06.07 - Home
Oh Caitlin looks soooo BEAUTIFUL!! It was so nice to meet BJ yesterday! What a sweetheart!! Much love - Bamagirl!!
Caitlin, stop growing up. Stop it right now. That's an order missy. You are not allowed to age one more day. I'm not kidding. NO MORE!
Okay, now that your old band teacher has had her meltdown for the day... I must say that you were absolutely gorgeous! Hope you had a great time!
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